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نص القصة المصورة

  • After Harold's army marched 300km in 5 days, his army caught the Norwegian army unprepared. Harold's army was twice the size. Harald Hadrada and Tostig Godwinson were killed and Harold won the battle of Stamford Bridge on the 25th September.
  • When William's army were sailing, the wind changed and they set sail and landed at Pevensey. Harold's tired and injured army went down south and both met for the Battle of Hastings.
  • The english army got a very good advantage with their high ground and created a very strong shield wall. William's men were arranged in three lines: Archers, infantry, and cavalry. All archers tried to attack but couldn't break the shield wall. Then a rumour spread around that William died. However, he lifted his helmet and screamed "I live!" So the Normans pretended to retreat and the English shield broke formation as everyone was chasing after the Normans. Then the knights turned and destroyed the English. Harold had died in the Battle of Hastings with an arrow to the eye. William had won.
  • I live!
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