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The Health Magazine

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The Health Magazine
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  • Topics:Total WellnessPhysical Wellness and Setting Goals Assessing Health and FitnessSelecting Physical ActivitiesLifestyle Guidelines Nutrition
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  • HEALTHY MAGAZINEThe Whole Body Issue
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  • Achieve Your Best Self!!
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  • By: Katie Yi
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  • What is Total Wellness? Total wellness is when you are in a state of complete physical, social, and mental/emotional wellness. Having total wellness can benefit you in many ways, such as in your health and also in your relationships. Physical wellness is the way that you take care of your body, such as exercise, your nutrition or diet, and also your hygiene. When you take care of your body and have a good diet you are less likely to get chronic diseases such as diabetes. Exercise can also prevent depression thoughts and anxiety. Even your academics can improve from taking care of yourself and having physical wellness. Social wellness is how you interact with others in certain social situations. If you have good social wellness you can talk to others well and are good at building relationships. Hanging out with friends and others can improve your social wellness. Now, it tends to be really hard to build good social wellness because of the advances in technology and not talking face to face. Mental/Emotional wellness is your feeling, thoughts, and actions. Your mental/emotional wellness is determined by how you manage stress and what decisions you make. When you can manage your stress well, you have good mental and emotional wellness. If you cannot manage you stress well it can cause stress eating and other issues. In conclusion, achieving total wellness has many benefits in each area. Having physical wellness can improve your health and elongate your lifespan, social wellness can help with strengthening relationships, and mental/emotional wellness can help with managing stress and the way you feel, think and act.
  • Citations:"M1 Lesson !: Introduction to Wellness." Canvas, https://ccsd.instructure.com/courses/1361663/pag es/m1-lesson-1-introduction-to wellness? ill module_item_id=15747460. Accessed 4 June 2020.
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