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  • Jupiter
  • Neptune
  • Mercury
  • Jupiter's stripes and swirls are windy clouds of ammonia and water floating in a hydrogen and helium atmosphere.Color:
  • Mars
  • Neptune's the first planet to be discovered by mathematics. Joahann Galle located the planet in 1846, using predictions made by Urbain Le Verrier.Color:
  • Venus
  • Abedin Crater's filled with once-molten rock.Color:
  • Saturn
  • Formed 4.5 billion years ago, Mars's temperature can drop to -225 degrees F. Gale Crater, Nili Fossae, At 16 miles high, Olympus Mons is Mars's largest extinct volcano. Valles Marineris, silicate minerals, polar ice caps, Insight,
  • At over 880 degrees F, Venus is the Solar System's hottest planet. VOLCANOES, color, sulfur, 224 mph winds, surface pressure, greenhouse gases, global warming, carbon dioxide, Maxwell Montes, 2.9 billion years ago, hurricanes, ultra violet radiation, shallow oceans, 70% sunlight,
  • Despite being the Solar System's 2nd largest planet, Saturn is also its lightest planet, consisting of mostly hydrogen and helium, rather than landmass. Although it does have a core comprised of water, rock and ice. This means that it's also the only planet less dense than water. In addition, Saturn has over 50 documented moons.
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