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ancient china

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ancient china
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  • Social Classes In Ancient China All throughout ancient china, Chinese civilization lived under a social hierarchy where people were ranked according to status or occupation. The imperial family, the shi, the nong, the gong, and the shang were the 5 social classes that divided the people of ancient China.
  • The Imperial Family - Highest social class. Consisted of the ruling families of ancient China. They lived comfortably and in luxurious palaces.
  • The shi - Second-highest social class. It consisted of nobles, the emperor's relatives, eunuchs, concubines, and wealthy landowners. They also lived privileged lives.
  • The Nong - Third highest social class. Consisted of farmers who led poor lives, yet farming was highly respected work. If crops were ruined by harsh conditions families had very little to survive.
  • The Gong - Fourth highest social class. This group included painters, carpenters, potters, jewellery makers, and other artisans. They earned more than farmers but less than merchants.
  • The Shang - Lowest social class. This class included traders, merchants, and moneylenders. They were a wealthy group, yet people believed that their work did not contribute to the good of society as a whole.
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