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socials10 comic history

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socials10 comic history
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نص القصة المصورة

  • 1920s - point 4
  • 1920s - point 4
  • 1920s to 1930s - point 5
  • In 1922 there was the chanak crisis where Mackenzie king refused to Britain's call for support and brought the issue to parliament. Chanak is a Turkish port controlled by Britain which was a tie to the Paris Peace Conference. In 1923 there was the The halibut treaty where Canada negotiated a treaty with the US in order to protect the halibut.
  • 1920s to 1930s - point 5
  • King insisted that Canada should sign the treaty however Britain tried to pressure the king to let one of the Britain representatives sign the contract. King insisted that it was between Canada and the US. In 1926 was the King Byng Crisis where King publicly challenged Britain over the role of governor general and Britain's influence on Canada.
  • 1930s - point 6
  • The economic decline has been caused by many different reasons including basic economic principles, overproduction, economic dependence on exports, tariffs and protectionism. There was the great depression which was a stock market crash that is known by black tuesday. This crash was in the US which later on affected Canada on October 29, 1929 and progressed to last a decade long.
  • 1930s - point 6
  • There are some basic economic principles such as supply and demand. Some factors for this depression is overproduction in the 1920s in which different industries in Canada expanded as demands were high. However, when the economy slowed down many companies faced overproduction. Another factor for this depression was Canada's economic dependence on exports. Some exports are 80% primary sources, too much wheat 40%and prairies and newsprint 65%
  • Canada went more independent during this but the government was definitely seeking help for the depression. The depression affected the entire country. One of the examples is Drought on the Prairies in which the wheat fields were hit by a drought that lasted 8 years. Millions of hectares of fertile soil blew away and there were constant dust storms which resulted in dust shifting everywhere.
  • Grasshoppers also descended on the prairies and they stalled trains, clogged car radiators, and wiped out any crops. The government responded towards the depression by having the unemployment relief act and put 20 million dollars for work creation programs. They also used tariffs to blast away in world markets which they raised by 50% to protect Canadian industries. However It did more harm than good because other nations in turn sent up trade barriers against Canada
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