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different kinds of laws (3.10 comic strip)

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different kinds of laws (3.10 comic strip)
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  • Oh no! I just ran someone over with my car! What will i do! Although it is his fault because he didn't give me my 2 cents of the the receipt even though i did say to donate the cents i wanted my cents back... maybe i did run him over on purpose. I should look at all the laws so i can get some background information on which laws i broke.
  • first we will go over the civil law , this law goes over things like disputes and disagreements, for example if someone wanted to sue you they would be protected by the civil law. There are two sides to this, the plaintiff and the defendant, the plaintiff is the person filing the suit while the defendant is the person getting the suit filed against.
  • how dare you run me over with your car! i want to sue you now because i'm crippled
  • it sounds like i broke the civil law! He wants to sue me! However thats not all, because i committed a crime and the civil law is not for crimes, it's only for disagreements.
  • The next law is the criminal law, this law includes things like felonies and misdemeanors, felonies are more serious cases while misdemeanors are less serious, i however committed a felony because i hit someone with my car, although i did not kill him, i robbed him of his mobility and ability to walk. there for it is really serious. similar to how the civil law works, there are two sides when you go to court, the prosecution and the defendant, the prosecution will always be the government because the government made the laws, the defendant is the person getting accused of committing a misdemeanor or a felony.
  • people who commit felonies get bad punishments and they serve a longer time in prison, i am not excited to serve the time. Lets look at another law i might have broke!
  • thats a good thing, my justice will be served!
  • next up is the military law! The military law applies to all uniformed service, it has to do with war crimes and disobeying higher ups, however i am not part of the uniformed service and i did not commit a war crime, so i didn't break this law.
  • now, for the constitutional law. this law deals with applications and interpretations of your rights. for example, if you abuse you're right of freedom of speech then you would be breaking this law. I for one did not break this law. because i didn't abuse my rights but instead, hit someone with my car at my own will i did not break this law.
  • Well in the end i broke the civil and criminal law, at least i will go into court knowing what laws i broke, i will never apologize for hitting this man with my car though, until i get my 3 cents back.
  • i will finally get my justice, i will make sure jail is not gonna be a bright place for you, lesson learned you will never commit to these crimes again.
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