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Woolf Graphic Novel Assignment

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Woolf Graphic Novel Assignment
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • "their potatoes, thin as coins but not so hard; their sprouts, foliated as rosebuds but more succulent. "
  • "a counterpane of the whitest cream,- with brown spots like the spots on the flanks of a doe."
  • " the Beadle himself perhaps in a milder manifestation - wreathed in napkins, a confection which rose all sugar from the waves.
  • "the wineglasses had flushed yellow and flushed crimson"
  • "No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself. We are all going to heaven and Vandyck is of the company"
  • "The sight of that abrupt and truncated animal padding softly across the quadrangle changed by some fluke of the subconscious intelligence the emotional light for me. It was as if someone had let fall a shade. Perhaps the excellent hock was relinquishing its hold. "
  • "  I had to think myself out of the room, back into the past, before the war indeed- on among the guests, who were many and young, some of this sex, some of that; it went on swimmingly, it went on agreeably, freely, amusingly."
  • "I had no doubt that one was the descendant, the legitimate heir of the other. - in those days they were accompanied by a sort of humming noise, not articulate, but musical, exciting, which changed the value of the words themselves."
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