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Hi, are you ready for our test on macromolecules?
Sounds like a great idea!
Yes, but I would love to review at lunch.
What are the four types of macrocolecules?
We have learned about carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Yes, carbohydrates contain cabon, hydrogen, and oxygen and are made up of monosaccharides.
They are a quick source of energy and can be eaten in pasta and bread.
Lipids are another macromolecule and examples include fats, oils and butter. Lipids store energy for the long term and make up cell membranes.
Yes, lipids also contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and are made up of triglycerides.
Proteins are easy to get in our diet as they are found in dairy, meat, and nuts. They also help our immune system.
The third type of macromolecule is protein. It contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and is made up of amino acids.
The last macromolecule is nucleic acids. They contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus and are made up of nucleotides.
It stores and transmits genetic information and examples are DNA and RNA.
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