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Ellis Island Story Board

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Ellis Island Story Board
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Rocco Corresca grew up in an orphanage where there were many other boys but life was nice and everyone fed well.
  • One day an old man named Tony said that he was related to Rocco and had papers to take him home to a "beautiful home"
  • The beautiful home was actually a basement with four other boys that beat him up at first until one of the boys finally said to stop.
  • Often times they would beg outside of theaters and churches until they ran away to join fishermen for 5 years.
  • These men taught Rocco and Franchesco how to read by having a priest come and teach them. After they had both grown the man said "he could not pay them the money they are worth" and went off to America were they opened a bootblack (shoe shine).
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