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Battles of the revolutionary war

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Battles of the revolutionary war
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Battle of Saratoga fought in Saratoga, New York - Colonist Leader: General Horatio Gates - British Leader: General John Burgoyne's
  • This win is just the thing we needed to boost morale and turn this war around
  • Yeah, now that France has seen that we can win, they will help us defeat the British
  • I'm so jealous of the British, they have warm homes
  • Battle of Valley Forge Fought in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania - Colonist Leader: General George Washington - British Leader: General Wilhelm von Knyphausen
  • Me too, this winter is especially bitter and I'm so cold
  • I heard that some higher-ups are planning to use this winter to their advantage and help us become a real army
  • Oh, that exciting, I bet that these new changes will help us win the war
  • Battle of Bunker Hill fought in Charlestown, Boston - Colonist Leader: Colonel William Prescott - British Leader: General Thomas Gage
  • After this battle, I don't think that we will be able to reconcile with Britain
  • Yeah, I agree with you, and even though we lost, hopefully we have proved ourselves as good fighters
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