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Haitian Revolution

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Haitian Revolution
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Toussaint getting other slaves to come to a realization
  • Were treated unfairly, let's make a plan
  • Slaves Revolting
  • Slaves Pact 
  • Free All Slaves! Free All Slaves, Free our Slaves!!!
  • In the 1700"s former slave Toussaint Louverture was over the cruel treatment of enslaved people. So he told other slaves it was time to stand up, he gathered them and they plotted to revolt.
  • First Actual Battle
  • Toussaint got the other slaves on board with his plan to let the white man (and every other white man) that the slaves weren't having any more of their control and cruel treatment.
  • Newly emancipated blacks celebrating
  • YAY!!!
  • WE'RE FREE!!!
  • After the slaves burned a lot of things and people they gathered in the woods and did a ritual thing involving voodoo to insure that all the slaves new that they had one goal. It was to free all slaves.
  • Death of Toussaint Louverture
  • The first battle was the battle of Vertiéres and it was fought in Saint-Domingue on the
  • FIGHT!!!
  • After the battle of Vestiés all former slaves were instantly freed and they all celebrated in their victory. 
  • YAY!!
  • After the long battles of the haitian revolution, The now almost sixty year old Toussaint had passed from all the wear and tear he inflicted to his body.
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