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Circulatory System: Blood Vessels

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Circulatory System: Blood Vessels
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نص القصة المصورة

  • I'm so excited to learn about the Veins, Capillaries, and Arteries.
  •  Andrew Jackson High School 
  • Yess, today Mr. Rodgers said today we are going to be doing our presentations on blood vessels. I love the Circulatory System.
  •  December 8th, 2021.Today's Presentations-CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: MAJOR BLOOD VESSELS
  • Goodmorning Class, Take a Seat and then we will get started on today's presentations.
  • Left ventricle pumps into aorta​Blood passes major arteries​Branch into muscular arteries and microscopic arterioles​Capillary networks​​Walls thicker than veins​More smooth muscle and elastic
  • I did my research presentation on The Arteries. This is all the research that I found. 
  • ARTERIESArteries – blood away from heart
  • After O2 and other substances released from blood​- First enters venules​​- From venules to veins​- Walls thinner and less elastic​- Valves
  • For my Presentation, I found many interesting facts about the Veins. It was really cool to learn about this stuff.
  • VEINSVeins- Blood to Heart
  • - Exchange of gases, nutrients and wastes b/w blood & tissues.- Deliver and absorb O2 and nutrients.
  • For my Presentation, I did research on the Capillaries. I found so much important information that really helped with my understanding of blood vessels.
  • CAPILLARIEScapillaries- surround body cells and tissues
  •  December 8th, 2021.Today's Presentations-CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: MAJOR BLOOD VESSELS
  • Great Job, class, everyone on the presentations. The Circulatory System and blood vessels within it is very important for our human bodies.
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