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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Narrator: John Gill is a busy man. No matter how fast he works, it seems that he’s always left behind. But when His employee brings a problem to Gill, he is not good listener
  • We have problem, Mr. Gill. Some of our investors have backed out and they no longer want to work with us
  • Mr. Gill is not paying attention to the employee; he would just open his mail or answer the telephone and would constantly glance at his watch while the employee is talking
  • Mr. Gill, it would have a significant impact on our company because they are the company's largest investors
  • Mr. Gill, I've tried everything I could think of to urge them to stay with us. But they are backing down because you are not paying attention to what they are telling you about the contracts, the partnership between you and them that should entice them to invest and stay with us
  • He makes outright judgment and would always dive into conclusion on any given situation
  • So, who do you believe made the mistake here? you're the one. why do you think is that? Because you haven't dealt with it properly. We Can't blame them for declining to invest in our firm when you aren't putting out the effort to keep them with us.
  • Mr.Gill, I came here for that. I want you to know that the other board members conducted a meeting, and they are planning to invite some new investors to our company, and I'm telling you this so that you are kept up to speed, Mr. Gill.
  • As a result, John keeps being blindsided by new problems in the organization that seem to get more and more serious
  • I still have a lot of work to do. I'm not going to waste my time on this. And if I, were you, I would plan again, and consider other investors who might be interested in our firm rather than standing in front of me condemning.
  • I need additional plans and options, That is insufficient! Do you understand?
  • The communication inhibitors in the above scenario are that Mr. Gill is not listening to what his employees are saying because he is distracted by his telephone (answering his telephone), mail (opening his mail), and his watch(constantly glancing at his watch). Also, Mr. Gill is a shuttered person who does not listen to his employees' opinions.
  • Gill can remove or set aside the things that can distract him from hearing in order to become a better listener. When his employee is consulting, he can, for example, turn off his computer, hang up his phone, or take off his wristwatch to break his communication-blocking habits.
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