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Punic Wars

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Punic Wars
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Rome was a small republic that spanned the Italian Penninsula.
  • Carthage was a mighty trading empire from Spain to Egypt
  • The First Punic War was mainly fought on the sea. The Romans fought better on land, so they used planks to board and capture enemy ships. The Romans won and gained Sicily and Corsica.
  • In the Second Punic War, Hannibal marched his army across the Alps. After several victories, the Carthage army was defeated. Rome gained parts of the Western Mediterranean.
  • In the Third Punic War, Rome obliterated Carthage. Africa became yet another province of the Roman Republic.
  • The effect of the Punic Wars was the the growth and expansion of the Roman Republic and the destruction of Carthage.
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