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The story of my life

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The story of my life
Storyboard That

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القصة المصورة الوصف

By Hellen Kelle

نص القصة المصورة

  • Hi! My name is Hellen Keller . I was born on June 27, 1880 near Tuscumbia, Alabama
  • I´m blind and deaf because a illness I got when I was a baby
  • One of the most important moments in my life was the day Anne Mansfield Sullivan arrived on third of March, 1887
  • The first word I said was water and was the first I understood because I told wawa when I was a baby
  • I love to be outdoors because I love the smell and I love the animals, I have a canary, a turtle a dog called Belle and a Pony called Black Beauty
  • In May,1888 on Boston it was so fun, I met a lot of blind children, the sea and I didn´t know it got salt.
  • Miss Sullivan help me a lot to speak and show me to put one hand on my lips and the other one on my throat but, Miss Fuller offer to teach me touching her tongue and feel the vibrations
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