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The Aeneid

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The Aeneid
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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Aeneid
  • The Wanderings of Aeneas
  • The Wanderings of Aeneas - Delos Oracle
  • So we must find the land that first bore the Trojans...Crete...
  • Go to the land of your ancestors.
  • Troy is on fire. Aeneas evacuates with his son Julo and his father, Anchises.
  • The Wanderings of Aeneas - The Harpies of the Strophades Island
  • After escaping Troy with a few fellow survivors, Aeneas sails north to Thrace where he started to build a city called Aeneadae. Aeneas breaks a branch and blood comes out of it.
  • The Wanderings of Aeneas - Aeneas meets Andromache
  • No! You have to go around there.
  • Go to Sibyl at Cumae too.
  • Afterwards, they sailed south to Delos where the oracle of Apollo was. Apollo told Aeneas to go to the land of his ancestors, but Anchises misunderstood this, thinking that they have to seek the land where the first Trojans were, which was in Crete.
  • The Wanderings of Aeneas - Drepanum
  • They arrived at the Strophades Island, where they encounter Harpies that are led by Celeano. After the Trojans kill her cattle, they are attacked by the Harpies, Celeano places a curse on the Trojans and forecasts Aeneas' future.
  • They sailed over to Buthrotum in Chaonia (which is now part of Epirus, West Greece). Aeneas encounters Hector's wife, Andromache. She welcomes Aeneas and leads him to the former Trojan Prince, Helenus. Helenus prophecies the Italian future and Aeneas' route to go (including going to the Sibyl at Cumae). However, Andromache warns Aeneas to instead go around Sicily to stay away from Charibdis and Scylla.
  • They sailed once again, they ended up on Drepanum where Anchises died by being struck by lightning.
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