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Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hahaha!! Roasted!!
  • Hey, you little nerd! You're such a loser!
  • Umm, hi, good luck today at the cheerleading competition, Brittany and Chloe.
  • Get lost.
  • Hey, I'm so very sorry I was mean to you. I was just so insecure, I didn't even think of the impact it might have on you. Thank you so much for giving me a second chance.
  • Why am I nice to them, they don't deserve it. Why do bad things happen to good people!
  • Students, you should love your enemies because that is what God tells us to.
  • 2What? It's just nobody's ever asked me if I'm okay or not. I'm just the perfect pretty cheerleader.
  • 1Hey Brittany. I've noticed you've been a little off the past week. Are you okay?
  • It's okay Brittany, we can be friends now.
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