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Endosymbiosis Theory

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Endosymbiosis Theory
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Sophie Tien9/7/22Period 6
  • Introductions
  • Hi Shelby! Are you ready to play some basketball?
  • Hey David! I'm totally ready!
  • Proposal of Idea
  • Wait.. I just realized that we can become stronger and be #1 on out school's team!
  • What do you mean? How?
  • Idea Explanation
  • We could combine together in order to make us taller and more powerful!
  • It's worth a shot!
  • One day, Shelby and David met up to play some basketball.
  • Result
  • Both of them were competing for the #1 spot on their team, so David came up with a solution.
  • Endosymbiosis
  • The Endosymbiosis Theory states that eukaryotes evolved from simple prokaryote cells.
  • David's plan was to engulf Shelby, so he could obtain her qualities and combine them.
  • Shelby was engulfed by David, and they became very powerful together. Since they were so good combined, they never separated and became complex.
  • It worked! Now, I obtained the awesome qualities of your basketball skills combined with mine. I am much larger and better! Combined, we are much more complex than what we were before.
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