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قم بإنشاء Storyboard
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Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Banksy
  • Banksy
  • It isn't my real name
  • Birth
  • 1973-1974
  • Growth
  • Hey, you!
  • Banksy it's a famous graffity artist. "Banksy" isn't his real name. It's a pseudonim used to associate to him with his graffities.
  • Tipes of graffities
  • He had born between 1973, 1974. Nobody knows for sure because he's so mysterious.
  • Projects
  • Action!
  • He grew in Bristol, England. He learnt about the graffity techniques and from the best graffity artists.
  • Donations
  • He drew about the politic situation, the social classes, the economic situacion. He is like a critic ombudsman, who represent the civilians and defend the people's opinion.
  • He worked in projects like in an english film or web pages. With his documentary film, he won some awards and good reviews. Also he had an important money increase.
  • He donated money to NGO and to the inmigrants for the saveguard boats and the social houses too. He think in the peolple and help to the population in their problems.
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