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Protein Synthesis Comic Strip

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Protein Synthesis Comic Strip
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Next, Santa assembles memory particles (free-floating ribonucleotides) that spend most of their time floating around the North Pole HQ (nucleus). There are four types of memory particle. Each one has a specific corresponding particle on the Ribbon of Telling, which they attach to with the help of Santa, who forms temporary truth bonds. They only fit perfectly if the child's memories are entirely truthful. Three memory particles, in sequence, make up one memory (codon). Santa creates memory bonds (covalent bonds) between the memory particles to make one chain. This is the Matching Stage (Elongation).
  • LEGEND (in order of appearance) North Pole = The Cell Santa = RNA Polymerase Elves = tRNA Gift = Protein Gift Production = Protein Synthesis Cross Reference of Memories = Transcription Gift Production = Translation Matching = Elongation Ribbon of Telling = DNA Truth Bonds = Hydrogen Bonds Memory Particles = Ribonucelotides Memory = Codon Memory Chain = mRNA North Pole HQ = Nucleus Memory Bond = Covalent Bond Transport Ducts = Nuclear Pore Gift Factory = Ribosome Conveyor Belt = Small Subunit Gift Particle = Amino Acid
  • Santa (RNA Polymerase) is busy at work! Before any gift production can occur, he unravels a segment of the Ribbon of Telling (DNA Strand), by breaking the truth bonds (hydrogen bonds) that keep it together. This temporarily breaks down the segment's double-helix structure. This is Initiation.
  • LEGEND (continued) Labeling Gift Particle = Methionine Elf ID = Anticodon Factory Doors = Large Subunit Gift Chain = Amino Acid Chain Terminating Particles = Stop Codon Mrs Clause = Release Factor Gift = Protein
  • Welcome to the North Pole! This is where Santa and his Elves determine every single child's Naughty or Nice Factor, as well as produce all the gifts for Christmas time. Gift Production is split into two stages: The Cross Reference of Memories occurs first, then the actual Gift Production occurs after. Both stages are split into three sub-stages: Initiation, Matching, and Termination.
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  • When Santa decides that he has finished cross-referencing the child's memories with the Ribbon of Truth, he will stop the process during the Termination Phase. This breaks the temporary truth bonds, allowing for the Ribbon of Telling to regain its double-helix structure, and the memory chain to exit the North Pole HQ, via the Transport Ducts (nuclear pore).
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  • Once the memory chain leaves the North Pole HQ, it travels to a gift factory (ribosome), and attaches to the conveyor belt (small subunit). Then, Initiation begins, and the first Elf (tRNA) arrives carrying the first gift particle (amino acid). This particle is always present at the start of every gift, and is called the Labeling Particle (methionine). Every elf has a special ID (anticodon) that allows them to bond to a specific memory via truth bonds.
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  • To make room for other elves bearing gift particles, the first Elf passes the Labeling Gift Particle to the second elf and then proceeds to leave the factory. This initiates the Gift Chain pattern (amino acid chain). The factory shifts over to accommodate oncoming elves. This process can continue for a long period of time, or a short period of time, however certain memories indicate a stop in gift production and are called Terminating Particles (stop codons).
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  • When the factory reaches a terminating particle, Mrs Clause (release factor) pulls a lever and the gift chain is severed and leaves the factory. It is now a gift (protein). Gifts naturally want to fold and coil in order to fit into Santa’s sac due to the unique traits of gift particles. The gift bonds induce truth bonds within the gift chain, which causes the twisted and folded structure of a gift.
  • Once the labeling gift particle arrives, the factory doors close (large subunit), and the second elf brings their gift particle to the second site. The order of the gift particles depend on the memories of the child, therefore ultimately affecting what the final gift is, and its shape (protein).
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