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Modern Day Macbeth

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Modern Day Macbeth
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Okay, guys, let's get those warm-ups done so we can practice for the big game on Friday.
  • Coach Duncan is too soft on those guys. You know, Mac, you do all the work and he gets the glory. You should be Head Coach.
  • Hey, Bandit, I'm happy to just be able to work under him. Maybe someday he'll retire and I can take over.
  • Hey, honey, I'm gonna be late getting home tonight. I need to stay late and clean up the field house after practice
  • Coach Mac's wife isn't happy when he calls home to tell her he has to stay after practice
  • Why do you have to do everything? He needs to get on out of the way so you can be in charge. 
  • Coach Mac begins to listen to the jealous thoughts in his head
  • It would be nice to be Head Coach for this team. They might just go all the way and win State. Duncan is old. He should step aside and let me have the team now!
  • You'll be Coach one day. Why wait? 
  • The following morning Coach Duncan is found at the bottom of the stairs with a fractured skull. His body is cold and dead.
  • The whole town turns out for the funeral to honor Coach Duncan. Coach Mac is named as Interim Head Coach.
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