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Glorious Revolution Comic Strip

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Glorious Revolution Comic Strip
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Protestant or Catholic..?
  • This should be Protestant-style Church of England.
  • King James is not popular
  • Nobody likes me any more..
  • Let's take over
  • Yes! Im finally doing this!
  • Isn't this lovely!
  • During the 1500s, England shifted from a majority Catholic to a majority Protestant population. King Henry VIII established a Protestant-style Church of England.
  • My throne and my queen
  • Yes dear, sure is!
  • The English ruler, King James II, had lost popular support.
  • John Locke rules
  • Rights and Rights!
  • English Parliamentarians collaborated with William and Mary to stage a military invasion of England.
  • Glorious Revolution
  • This is Palace of Westminster
  • James II soon fled to France in the face of these threats. This left the throne open for Protestants William III and Mary II to claim.
  • John Locke guaranteed rights to citizens such as the right to bear arms, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, freedom to petition the king, and freedom of speech. And he wanted Magna Carta with limited the power of the king and guaranteed rights.
  • The new political arrangement in England was to establish a constitutional monarchy. This means that the monarchy would share politically and legislative power with the English Parliament. And the Glorious Revolution is so-called Bloodless Revolution as well.
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