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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • One of my campaigns for my candidate as president is to be able to create more jobs so that citizens who lost their jobs in the pandemic can have jobs and resources to support their families.
  • Ukraine
  • Ukraine
  • Ukraine
  • As president I will support friendly countries like Ukraine that are going through this crisis right now. I will contribute by sending 3 million medi kits.
  • As president I will create an organization specialized in immigrants so that they can have a more normal life like all typical American citizens.
  • As president I will give more resources to hospitals, not only monetarily but also technologically. With new scientific advances for disease cures.
  • As president I will renovate streets and buildings that are interesting attractions for tourists. Besides giving better care and protective equipment to remodeling workers.
  • As president I will help the poorest neighborhoods, I will give a better resource plan and innovate these neighborhoods, offering better education for these neighborhoods.
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