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Continent Evedin Series Storyboard

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Continent Evedin Series Storyboard
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Watchful Plague
  • Frozen Peril
  • Interpolation
  • Amplifier is the protagonist. He is kidnapped from Palace Alloy and must accompany the Ormolu (Evedin Rebellion) to stop a strange "plague" that is hurting the Order soldiers and the civilians of the planet.
  • The Dunes of Night
  • Winter is the protagonist. His father, Zahn, returns home for the first time in twenty years, and is in danger. Winter must help his father figure out who is responsible for the plague and who is holding a grudge against his father (Calypso).
  • The Storm's Eye
  • Peony is the protagonist. Her boyfriend, Easton, is affected by the plague and she is in danger. Peony must join the Ormolu crew and stop Calypso from taking over the rebellion's mind. Gearshift is taken.
  • The Looming Shadow
  • Molly is the protagonist. Gearshift is found in a canyon, accompanied by a bounty hunter who is working for the queen. Molly travels to Palace Crux alone and must figure out what secrets lie in Evedin's history.
  • Louis is the protagonist. Based on Molly's findings, he must travel to Palace Midnight with Rita and learn from Reeti, an elemental mage who may be able to cook up a cure for the plague.
  • Florian is the protagonist. Using Louis's "medicine", he is ridded of the plague and confronts Calypso. His monster-half takes over him, and he ends her tyranny with the help of the rebellion. He is dubbed the new (and first) king of Evedin.
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