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Wangaran Gold-Salt Trade Comic Strip

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Wangaran Gold-Salt Trade Comic Strip
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Welcome to the life of the Wangarans and the North Africans
  • The Wangarans traveled down the Niger River to Ghana with their gold.
  • The North Africans travel by camel across the Sahara Desert to trade for a pound of salt.
  • Both the Wangarans and North Africans are stopped and must pay a tax to enter Ghana.
  • Silently the Wangarans offered salt for gold, and a pound of gold was traded for a pound of salt.
  • The North Africans are excited about having gold, that they will use to trade with Europeans, Asians and people from the Middle East.
  • The Wangarans are excited about having salt to take back home to season and preserve their food.
  • Both the Wangarans and North Africans are stopped and must pay a tax to exit Ghana.
  • The people of Ghana become wealthy from the gold-salt trade.
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