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Roman Society

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Roman Society
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القصة المصورة الوصف

History project 7A

نص القصة المصورة

  • Roman society
  • Hi! My name is Fawaz Ahmed from 7A. Today I will ask several people about the Roman's Society and how they used to live.
  • Roman's Men
  • Tell me about how men live in Rome?
  • Men rules their families, and they used to trace their origin through male ancestors. They called old man paterfamilias. So the father has absolute power and rule on his family.
  • Roman's Women
  • What about Rome's women?
  • We had more freedom than other societies like Greek. We could own our own properties and enjoy social live. Our main rule is to bear and raise the children and we could not vote or work in the government.
  • Roman's Riches
  • It has to be good to be a rich man in Rome!
  • Yes indeed! we are owning lots of farms and we have lots of poor free workers and slaves! Our money came from agriculture. We lived in villas as we are considered to be the upper-class of the society.
  • Roman's poor people
  • What about poor families?
  • We are poor, but free! we work as tenant for the upper-class families in farms or worked in stores and building constructions. We lived in cramped apartments we were having lots of illness and danger.
  • Roman's Slaves
  • Being a slave must be really tough!
  • 40% of Rome were slaves from wars! We had no rights and we were sold as properties! Our children also treated as slaves but some had better live working for homes or helping their masters.
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