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Hank J

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Hank J
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Scene-1 (Into)
  • How writing first happen:
  • Scene-2 (when it first happens):
  • It first happens with a Chinese inventor:
  • Scene-3: printing press mid-15 century
  • I want bulk paper!!
  • So what I mean on how a chines inverter started it 149-41 all is the chines inverter founded letter which you could move them around and with the moving it became the first reusable thing that you could keep using and using and everyone else followed along too.Then how he did is he got wet mold got paper,rock or wood or clay got it wet and it would print.
  • sense-5
  • Ink that changed the world!!
  • So Johannes Gutenberg invented in the 15-mid centrey and he added on to the chines inverter and got rolls and print from Nicolas Jason.Added all of that and put 2 rolls then one and then put that together and made the priting press.Later on it got updated and changed and perfected it and also printing press had some toxins so they put it in a machine called the printer. Because of this all it became collective learning with the talking of updates each time.
  • How fonts changed history 
  • Bulk paper was cheaper,Higher quality,and better lasting paper and better for the printing press and better for a book.It was importent to collative learning too because they all had to talk about i t and all had to get to the diction of wanting bulk paper.
  • Bulk paper higher quulity 
  • Give me bulk paper !!
  • Bulk paper cheaper
  • When the ink was made out of water,wine,and animal skin and fesses but later on the water was changed into as oil-baced things on stead because it worked better to paper and worked better with the printing press.The person that made the oil is NIcoles Jason the reason why this.Now all this shows that without them the printing press would not be the same and they had to dd there knowledge very generation.
  • Ink
  • Nicolas Jason founded 2 new prints/fonts and they were called numeral times AKA arial and the cersuf font and that led to 1,000 and now in the 2021 century they are on book/computer.After seeing this you can see how all the fonts improved and how everything built on each other to get to the 1,000 fonts we have today.
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