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Things to do during a volcanic eruption

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Things to do during a volcanic eruption
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Things to do during a Volcanic Eruption
  • Keep handy a pair of goggles and a dust mask for each member of your household in case of ashfall.
  • When indoors, close all windows and doors to limit the entry of volcanic ash. Place damp towels at thresholds.
  • Bring animals and livestock into closed shelters to protect them from breathing volcanic ash!
  • Listen to a local station on a portable, battery-operated radio or television for updated emergency information and instructions. Local officials will give the most appropriate advice for your particular situation.
  • If outside at the time of eruption, seek shelter in a car or a building. If caught in volcanic ashfalls, wear a dust mask or use a handkerchief or cloth over your nose and mouth.
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