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french revolution important people

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french revolution important people
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  • I'm the king and God chose for my rule! Dont question me or you're questioning god!!!
  • King Charles I
  • King Charles was the King of England. He was a cruel and unfair king as he took land from the poor and gave it to nobles. He never wanted to work with parliament and had the belief called "divine right" Divine right is the idea that God chose the king. For the longest time, no one wanted to question him because if you questioned him you questioned God. He was soon charged with treason and was then publicly executed.
  • Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Maximilien Robespierre & Napoleon
  • Louis XVI was the king of France during the french revolution,. He was also an unfair ruler he taxed the third estate so much to the point 50% of their income went towards taxes
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