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Roles and responsibilities of a Shop steward

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Roles and responsibilities of a Shop steward
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نص القصة المصورة

  • You are now in charge of this list of persons. You should strive to persuade them to join the union.
  • Have you yet to become a member of a workplace union?
  • We haven't either.
  • No, Ma'am, I haven't done so.
  • This contract will give you some useful information regarding labour unions.
  • The shop steward will receive a list of non-members on the jobsite from the local office. This could include new employees or those who have been with the company for a long time but have not yet joined the union.
  • Please feel free to ask any queries you may have. If necessary, I am here to enlighten you.
  • The shop steward discovers a few employees who have yet to join a union.
  • The shop steward makes certain that all employees have a copy of the contract, which includes information on local unions.
  • The shop steward will be ready to answer any and all questions about the union or joining one after the copies of the contract have been distributed.
  • The shop steward's job is to find out what problems employees, especially non-members, have with joining the union
  • I am here to answer any questions you may have about joining a union.
  • The shop steward must guarantee that the employees are protected and that they may address any concerns or queries they may have.
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