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نص القصة المصورة

  • Ok, Professor.
  • Hey James, can you give an example of Uniformly Accelerated Motion?
  • An example is a car that is constantly accelerating.
  • As you can see, this car's velocity changes at a constant rate. This is an example of Uniformly Accelerated Motion.
  • 30 m/s
  •  20 m/s
  • 10 m/s
  • Me too, Prof. I can also give an example.
  • Okay. Go ahead, Trish.
  • That's right, James.
  • An example is a free falling ball. It is under the force of gravity, and no other forces, meaning its acceleration is uniform or constant.
  • You too did great! It only means that you two really understood the lesson. Let's now move to the second topic.
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