The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne - Book and Film Comparison
نص القصة المصورة
الانزلاق: 1
Bruno enters his room and sees his maid, Maria, packing and is furious that she is touching his things. He yells and screams to his mother who explains that they must pack and move immediately. He wonders if he's done something bad and is being sent away.
الانزلاق: 2
Bruno is constantly calling the concentration camp, Auschwitz, Out-with, showing his innocence and ignorance to the atrocities happening all around him.
الانزلاق: 3
Bruno never fully understands that Out-with is a work camp full of prisoners, never mind a concentration camp that murders hundreds at a time.
الانزلاق: 4
When Bruno breaks into the camp, he only needs to lift the fence and crawl under.
الانزلاق: 5
Nobody ever knows what happened to Bruno. A soldier found his clothes but nobody could think what happened to him. Mother eventually returned to Berlin thinking that he might have found his way there.
الانزلاق: 6
Bruno's mother and father throw an extravagant party in their elegant Berlin home to celebrate Bruno's father's promotion.
الانزلاق: 7
Bruno discusses how nice the living quarters must be in the farm because he saw a Nazi propaganda movie that his father had prepared for Hitler. Little did he know that people were living like this.
الانزلاق: 8
Gretel tells Bruno that it is not a farm, it is a work camp for Jews. He then sees a propaganda movie that makes it look lovely for the prisoners, but then sees it from the inside (just before being herded into the gas chamber) and it clicks for him.
الانزلاق: 9
The fence is electrified and Bruno needs to bring a shovel and dig his way in.
الانزلاق: 10
When they find the shovel and Bruno's clothes, they take dogs to follow his scent. When Mother sees them and the smoke from the gas chamber, she begins screaming. Father hears her cries. They both realize that he has been murdered in the gas chamber.