إنشاء القصة المصورة
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القصة المصورة
الخاصة بك
القصة المصورة
الخاصة بك
نص القصة المصورة
hi Qistina! what effect this covid 19 crisis had disrupted your daily life?
yess suree !
What if we go to the mall after this?
Hi Anna! I've missing my school and social routine
Oo ouu! wait, we dont even wear our mask
yeahh i almost forgot to wear my mask hehe..
do you have a mask with you now?
umm i dont have, i will take the mask in my house
let's meet at the mall at 2 p.m.. later i will message you.
okay sure. see you later andd dont forget your mask
Qistina and Anna met up an have a short conversation on what they have missing during this covid 19.
Hi Qistina nice to meet you again
Hi Anna! nice to meet you too
Good! you wear your mask.
yes of course.
the situation where they both realised that they not wearing their mask.
wearing mask during this pendemic situation is the most important thing
correct, it is to prevent the virus from spreading around us
Qistina and Anna decided to meet again at the mall.
now lets go eat something, I'm hungry.
okay let's go.
they meet again and wearing their mask.
they talk about how important to always wear a mask whenever they are outside from house.
they want to grab something to eat.
تم إنشاء أكثر من 30 مليون من القصص المصورة