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Four Types of Economy

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Four Types of Economy
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Market Economy
  • Camilla lives in the untied states. The united states is a Market economy which means the people own and control what they want.
  • Flight to Canada
  • What drink would you like on your flight to Canada?
  • Mixed Economy
  • I just arrived in Canada! Canada is an example of a mixed economy which means both the people and government decide certain things.
  • Camilla is going to travel the world to see all the different types of economys the world offers.
  • Command Economy
  • I just arrived in North Korea! It was a long flight to get here but it is so pretty. Although I am not sure what economy this country is.
  • Camilla is going to visit a mixed economy.
  • Traditional Economy
  • Wow I can not believe it is my last destination on my trip. This is Ethiopia which is an example of a traditional economy. This means goods and services are produced the way they always have.
  • This economy gives people and the government power instead of just one or another.
  • Home
  • Yes I learned about all four types of economy's and all the different countries that are examples of them. I love living her and getting to decide what I want.
  • How was your trip? Did you learn a lot?
  • The only economy that Camilla needs to visit now is traditional.
  • This is a command economy which mean that the government controlled resources
  • Camilla is very excited to travel back to the United States.
  • Camilla loves living in the united states where the people get to decide what they want.
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