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  • Today we are going to talk about Holland, one of the best countries tovisit
  • Holland is a historicaland cultural region located on the west coast of the Netherlands. Since 1840,it is divided into two provinces, North Holland (North Holland) and South Holland(South Holland).
  • Holland tends to beassociated with a particular image. The stereotypical image of Holland is anartificial amalgamation of tulips, windmills, clogs, cheese, and traditionaldress (klederdracht).
  • Each region of theNetherlands has its own story that deserves to be discussed independently.However, to some extent, the history of the Netherlands as a region is thehistory of the Netherlands as a country, as it is the most influential regionof the current sovereign state. See "History of the Netherlands" formore detailed content.
  • The dominance ofHolland in the Netherlands has resulted in regionalism on the part of the otherprovinces. This is a reaction to the perceived threat that the Netherlandsposes to the local identities and cultures of the other regions.
  • The serious economy,industry and commerce are mainly concentrated in the Randstad, the largestconurbation in the Netherlands.
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