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نص القصة المصورة

  • Source:#160;https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/water-overview/sources/groundwater.html
  • Water that is underground, of all water on earth 20% of it is groundwater. Stored#160;within cracks an pores in the ground moving towards the area with least presasure. traveling via aquafiers in the soil.
  • We have no water
  • Ground water is an essential and vital recource for a waurter of all canadians. one of their sole soruces of water for their daily nececeties and even their jobs such as farming. However to the ones who do not depend on it it is a hidden gem that is not well appreciated.
  • Source:#160;https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Aquifer-Protection-and-Groundwater/Ground-Water/Understanding-Ground-Water/What-we-can-all-do-to-reduce-groundwater-pollution
  • Nonetheless Groundwater is being polluted and contaminated, depletig the quality and cleansiness of groundwater.#160; Contamintation can last for years and is a difficult and expensive task to cleaup.
  • How to prevent this:Porperly dispose of wasteSafely store chemichals and fuelsplug and cover waste dumpsterskeep chamichals and waste safe from rianClean lakes and nearby waters sources.
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