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George washington

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George washington
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hi I am George washingtun i was born in 1739 . i died 1799. i lived on mount vermont
  • my gartgampa oun laned. my step mom maruy ball and 5 half bloods. i had 2 kids who died in the army and I adoptid thier kids
  • his dad died when he was 11. he lived
  • he went to school for 7 yaers
  • 1st I was a solger
  • 2nd i was a genrall
  • 3rd i was the 1st piresedint
  • my teeth are made of human and hippo teeth not WOOD!!!!!
  • I NEVER chopt down a cherry tree!!
  • " three things prompt men do a ragular discharge of their duty in time of acshon: natchral bravery , hopere word , and fear of punishment
  • then the freedem 5 colanys
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