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US Economic System

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US Economic System
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نص القصة المصورة

  • I want to start a business but I don't even known where to begin
  • Here, I'll teach you
  • The first thing you need to know is that anything of yours that you own is your private property.
  • Any private property of yours gives you the right to do whatever you want with it/ Whether that be to sell it, use it, or even get rid of it. it's your call,
  • What Else?
  • Always Remember! You have the freedom to make your own economic decisions but you'll have to face the consequences.
  • Yes, okay. But let's get to the good part. Where does the money play into all of this?
  • You're business has to make the money. You have to make money to cover the expenses for the business itself.
  • Whatever money that you have left over is yours to keep. That money is called your profit.
  • What if someone is selling the same stuff as me but better?
  • Having competition is good though. It encourages you to keep up and do a number of things like improve quality, offer better service. produce new things, and keep reasonable prices.
  • That's your competition. Every business has competition that sells the same product as them.
  • Good Luck! Remember everything I said. You make your own choices to sell your property so that you can make profit. Grow your business enough to keep up with the competitors.
  • Thank you for all the tips! I think I'm ready to open my business! Be sure to stop by. Thanks again!
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