Mercury was first discovered in the form of mercury sulfide 30,000 years ago.
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The earliest use of mercury sulfide was as a paint for cave drawings in Spain and France.
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The first method of acquiring mercury...
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It's working!
Mercury can be acquired from compounds of metals, usually mercury sulfide, via heating.
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So heavy...
Mercury is a very dense metal and is one of few elements that is liquid at room temperature.
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Lemme see that!
Europe mainly got its mercury from deposits in Spain, but Spanishconquistadors later found large deposits in Peru.
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It does dissolve gold!!!
The most important use of mercury for much time was to extract gold from metal compounds and sediment by dissolving it in mercury and then distilling the mercury off.
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I don't know if I would---
At one point, the ancient Chinese even believed in the magical properties of mercury.
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Mercury can be acquired from compounds of metals, usually mercury sulfide, via heating.