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The Declaratory Act

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The Declaratory Act
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I'm fine, really. My job is just pointless and nobody respects me!
  • This king needs to get a grip, seriously.
  • Wait a minute, I'm the king. I can do what I want.
  • Thank goodness, he's stopped crying.
  • I don't care what the colonists want. They don't have a choice to obey me or not.
  • GUARDS! Go get Parliament! I'm going to make the colonists obey me!
  • What could this be about?
  • We're on it, sir!
  • A few weeks later...
  • This king is a little pathetic. We know your the king, you don't have to declare it.
  • It's a little funny, but it makes me want to start this rebellion even more. I don't want to have to live under the rule of some idiot.
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