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hansel and gretel

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hansel and gretel
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • we are running out of money and food, you must abandon your kids in the woods so we can have enough food for us
  • But I don't want to
  • we have to leave them here; tell them we are getting wood and will come back but we wont.
  • I've secretly been dropping pebbles the whole time, so we just have to wait for night fall to go back home
  • The next time they abandoned them, Hansel used breadcrumbs for a trail, but they were eaten. when they looked around, they found a house that was made out of food. They started eating it because they were so hungry but as they were a witch came out
  • The witch brought them into the house and started to give Hansel the best food so that he would get fatter, but Hansel kept sticking out a bone instead of his finger. the witch became impatient and decided to eat the children today so she told Gretel to check the oven by getting inside of it but Gretel figured out it was a trick, and she told the witch to show her and when the witch got in Gretel closed the oven and burned the witch to death.
  • The two children took the witches treasure and escaped back to their house. When they got back they found out that the wife had died and the father was depressed without them
  • family is so important and all that matters to me. Im sorry
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