لقد عشق الأطفال في جميع أنحاء العالم حكاية The Frog Prince الخيالية. منذ نشر نسخة Brothers Grimm في عام 1812 ، تمت كتابة آلاف النسخ الأخرى وإعادة سردها. يشترك كل منهم في الموضوع الرئيسي المتمثل في الوفاء بوعودك ، وليس الحكم على الكتاب من غلافه.
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نص القصة المصورة
The princess is young, beautiful, and independent. She makes a promise to the frog but has no intention of keeping it, until her father tells her that she must.
The Frog, who is really a handsome prince under a cruel charm, is kind, patient, and charming. He desperately wants to break free from the charm and have a wife to love forever.
The king believes in integrity, which means doing the right thing. He tells his daughter that it is very important for her to stay true to her promises.
Characters in The Frog Prince
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