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Figyelmeztetés: Ne rögzítsen szerzői joggal védett anyagokat (háttérzene, film vagy tv klip stb.)

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A Single Shard is a story about a boy and his dream of becoming a master potter.  

Tree-ear lives in the small Korean village of Ch’ulp’o, under a bridge with his caretaker, an old, one-legged man named Crane-man. Tree-ear is obsessed with pottery and spends his days watching the talented potters create their masterpieces. Tree-ear works for master potter Min, and learns that Min has great talent.

When an emissary visits the village, Min is chosen as a finalist to create for royalty. Min smashes his pieces that he thinks aren’t prefect, and the emissary gives him one more chance: bring some vases to the palace when they are done. Tree-ear offers to make the journey for Min.

Along his journey to Songdo, Tree-ear is robbed. The robbers take Min’s beautiful vases and throw them off of a high cliff, shattering them to pieces.

Tree-ear refuses to give up, and goes to the bottom of the mountain to find the broken vases. He finds a piece large enough to take to the palace, and the emissary is impressed.

Min gets commissioned by the palace, and when Tree-ear returns home, he is sad to hear that Crane-man has died. However, Tree-ear is happy to be a part of Min and Ajima’s family.

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