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Jesus feeds the 5000

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Jesus feeds the 5000
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • When the people had seen what Jesus had performed, a great crowd followed him. He went to the far shore of the sea of Galilee. For there he could teach them because there was plenty of space for all of them.
  • Jesus then asked Philip, where shall we buy bread for these people to eat. He knew what he was going to do for this was a test of faith wanted him to believe in him that he would provide but instead he though money was the solution
  • Then Philip exclaimed that it would take over a half-year's wages for each person to have just a bite. He thought that him and his friends had to pay for food. Little did they know that Jesus would provide
  • Then Andrew, Simon Peter's brother spoke up and said, "Here is a boy with 5 small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"
  • After Jesus took them over to a grass field to where they could sit he gave thanks. He began distributing the food and it just kept coming. He gave to everyone how much they wanted.
  • After they had finished cleaning up, they all had seen what he had done and wanted to crown him king. Jesus quickly left and said that it was not his time to become king. He withdrew himself to the mountain for he knew they would force him to become king
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