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The Day Before My World Changed & The Last Interaction

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The Day Before My World Changed & The Last Interaction
Storyboard That

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القصة المصورة الوصف

Cornerstone of Hope - Week 2 Homework

نص القصة المصورة

  • Gina & Pradeep's Wedding - 7/14/18 All of my dad's side of the family together. They're a little crazy. My mom was invited even though my parents have been divorced since 1999. Left to Right: Shelly, Bill, Mom, Rylee, Me, Dad, and Hope
  • Hey, guys. I want you to meet Shelly.
  • Hi Shelly! It's so nice to meet you. We have heard so much about you.
  • Shelly, this is my niece, Quinny. 
  • Hey, Quinny! How are you? I've missed you, Little. Can I have a hug?
  • Who is she? Mmm... I'm not sure, but I want my uncle Bilk all to myself. 
  • Q, give Uncle Bilk a hug! You've missed him so much!
  • It's so hot! I can't believe the air conditioning broke with all these people in here!
  • It is hot! We're going to go get more drinks then go outside and smoke a cigarette. We will bring you a drink on our way back.
  • Hey, Mand. We are going to head home in a little bit. We have a long drive. 
  • What are you doing!?!?! You perve! Hahahahah!!! That's MY leg! HAHAHAHAHA
  • Quinny! How have you been? How come you're not talking to me? I've missed you so much. I know I need to come see you more. 
  • It's really hot outside and inside the hall. We are all miserable. Bill comes to talk to Rylee who is really shy around a lot of people. She hasn't really been talking much tonight.
  • Mom, he was CARESSING my leg!!!
  • Oh my God. I just went to talk to Quinn and I thought I was rubbing her leg but it was actually Manda's. HAHAHAHAHA. I can't believe I just did that. 
  • A little later in the night. All the cousins are on the dance floor.
  • Has anyone seen Bill or Shelly? Did they already leave?
  • We need to get all of the cousins together again soon!
  • I think he left a little while ago...
  • He owes me a dance!
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