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History Of Atoms

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History Of Atoms
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Atoms are discoverd by#160;greek philosopher called' Democritus'
  • I cannot cut this apple any more? there must be some tiny particle that no body can cut.They must be called atmos or invisible
  • All matter is made up of atoms. I think that compounds are created when atoms of different elements combine in a specific ratio
  • John Dalton studies atoms and makes predictions off of his research
  • I predict that atoms have electrical components.
  • Michael Faraday discovers electrical components in a atom
  • I predict that atoms have random bits of negative charges, while the rest of the atom is positively charged
  • JJ Thomson discovers what is today known as electrons. He thought that an atom was positively charged with randomly distributed negative bits
  • Ernest Rutherford discovered nucleuses inside of atoms. He also discovered that atoms are mostly empty space.
  • I predict that atoms have nucleuses. I also predict that the nucleus is positively charged. I think that the atom mostly consists of empty space #160; #160; #160; except the nucleus.
  • James Chadwick discovers what today is known as neutrons
  • I predict that the nucleus of an atom has a neutral particle.#160;
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