إنشاء القصة المصورة
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القصة المصورة
الخاصة بك
القصة المصورة
الخاصة بك
نص القصة المصورة
I'm really sorry. I hope you know I didn't mean what I said then.
I'm sorry I acted like that.... I love you, Lily
I'm so thirsty...I'm sure I can go another day, right?
It seems like it's getting dark, so we should probably find a place to sleep.
We could call someone to come get us out of here.
Lily, you have to get up. I can see a road and pay phone from here!
Shortly afterwards -
Liito left Lily to go try to contact someone. She knew her girlfriend needed help, but not what she needed.
Lily is a bit dehydrated, but it isn't that bad. You should be able to go home and Lily'll be fine. The heat just got to her.
Hello?Yes.She won't wake up.I'm not sure.No.Quickly.Thank you so much.
Thank you so much, sir! I'll make sure this never happens again.
I can't believe I was stupid enough to agree to go hiking today....
-gasp- Liito? Where are we? What happened?
Long story short, that trek through the desert was enough a hike for both of us!
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