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comic strip
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Physical Development
  • I did not want to come to practice today my cramps are killing me
  • Really? I'm pretty sure you'll get it soon or maybe not its been awful for me
  • Yeah, I'm not sure but from what I've seen from my sister it think it will be painful too
  • Cramps!? I haven't started my period yet..
  • Physical Development
  • that doesn't mean anything I just haven't fully sprouted yet
  • What do you mean? We run at the same speed
  • yeah but you're short, it makes you faster
  • Dude no wonder you're so fast
  • Cognitive Developement
  • Hi mom, No nothing happened just the normal things class and more class
  • okay honey i'm going to run some errands there is food there if you need anything call me
  • Hi sweetie, Hi Esme how was school today? Anything interesting happened?
  • During adolescence, girls begin to have their menstrual cycles they can start from 9 to 14. Although sometimes it can come later at about 18.
  • Cognitive Development
  • okay spill the tea what happened during lunch with you know who
  • He asked me to be his girlfriend !!
  • Boys begin to have changes in hair growth + height. Their height tends to strike at 13 1/2 and slows at about 18.
  • Social emotional Development
  • I can't keep sharing a room with you if you're going to keep looking through my things!!
  • Teens at this age become less dependent on their parents and being to find their friend groups
  • Social emotional Development
  • Stop yelling at your sister, we will find a way to get you some private space.
  • so when it comes to talking about their problems they tend to find it easier to talk to their friends
  • No way ! are you going to tell your mom?
  • are you crazy? I mean yes but not yet later on if it lasts
  • During adolescence, kids tend to be in need of privacy. They want to be able to have their own space to be in a way more independent
  • But I was just trying to find my favorite stuffed animal
  • They become rebellious if they don't get their way thinking that they are able to do and decide whatever they want.
  • If I don't get my own space then I'm moving out I can go live with some friends where everything will be better
  • everything is easier said then done
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