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David & Goliath

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David & Goliath
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • The day of the battle, David went to the river to pick up pebbles and small rocks and he stuffed them into his pockets. He was ready for the fight. 
  • The king has been having bad dreams and feels troubled. He tells the prophet, Samuel, that he needs some soothing music. Samuel brings David, with his harp, and helps the king by playing music and songs.
  • One day, the army of the Philippines showed up at Israel, with their leader, the mighty giant Goliath, demanding a fight. The Israelite army did not want to fight this man. Goliath came back to Israel everyday for 40 days. David had to do something about it.
  • David went to the battle and defeated Goliath by slinging a rock to Goliath's head, with the rock hitting right between his eyes, killing him instantly. 
  • David approached the king, asking if he was able to fight Goliath. The king was in disbelief about what David was proposing. After some convincing, David was able to fight the mighty Goliath.
  • David later became king. Loved and adored by all from his brave actions.He continued to rule Israel for many years.
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