John White and 120 colonists land on Roanoke Island
Land Ho!
John White leaves his daughter and the rest of the colony to retrieve more supplies from England. He won't be able to return for three more years.
I have to go back to England for more supplies.
Come back soon, Dad!
The longer time goes on, the less supplies the colony has left.
We are running out of food!
The colony is out of food and supplies. Manteo and his brother, Wanchese, help the colonists.
Please help us! We're out of food!
Here, you can have this pig.
Manteo and Wanchese can no longer provide at a fast enough rate for the growing colony. They decide to bring them to live with their tribe on Croatoan Island.
Some colonists clash with the natives and are subsequently killed. Others die from food poisoning, disease, etc.